Saturday, June 22, 2013

To Africa!

So here I go again. My sugar mama, Sallie Mae, is sending me on a two-month adventure in Africa where I’ll be studying Arabic in Morocco, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and studying primatology and wildlife conservation in Kenya. I'll be accompanying Becky on those last two.

This time is different from last summer and I haven’t quite determined why. Maybe it is because I’m older. Maybe it is because I’m closer to graduation and feel like the next two months need to fit into in a job description one year from now. Maybe its because I haven’t studied Arabic for 10 months. Maybe last summer set such a high standard that these next few months can’t meet. Maybe…what I should be doing is shutting the fuck up and living this experience instead of thinking about it. Yea – that’s the one.

The hour drive from Casablanca, where my flight landed, to Rabat, where I’ll be staying, was pleasant. The driver did not speak much English but between my dusty Arabic and his French we communicated and I started taking notes on Darija, the Arabic dialect I will be studying along Modern Standard while I am here.

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